Hello Everyone.
Here are some photos from our in-class photo shoot activity shot completely in campus using creative lighting techniques.
Here are some samples I took using a single flash/speedlight mounted on a bracket with a 60" wide Octobox light modifier.
Here's with the same single light source but angled in a different manner, and with a different subject/model.
Here's a speedlight mounted on a bracket without any light modifier bounced off the corner of the wall, overexposed.
While this is a speedlight mounted on a bracket without any light modifier tilted closer to the subject.
Of course, this activity is not about me, but actually about how my students took the learning and applied it into their own photos. For those that are diligent in submitting their activities on time, here's a feature exclusive for their works:
Photo by Eric Esperat
Photo by Kethley Uy
Photos by Angelica Gatbonton
Photo by Pia Donato
Photos by Renee Samson